In this issue of the Weekly: |
Governor Signs 2023 – 24 State BudgetFACCC Legislative UpdateMildred García Appointed as Chancellor of California State University |
Mendocino College Receives $1.5 Million Grant for Native American Student Success & Support ProgramRegister For Our Upcoming EventsFACCC Resources |
Governor Signs Higher Education Trailer Bill Earlier this week, the Governor signed the majority of trailer bills associated with the 2023-24 budget agreement. The higher education trailer bill, SB 117, includes important language that will bring more transparency and accountability to full-time faculty hiring at community colleges. FACCC’s State Budget Webinar provided an overview of the budget and how it will impact faculty. If you missed it, you can find the recording here. |
FACCC Legislative Update After successfully passing the Senate Education Committee, FACCC co-sponsored AB 811 (Fong) will now advance towards the Appropriations Committee. We would like to express our heartfelt appreciation to everyone who took action by reaching out to staffers using the provided action alert template. Faculty members have played a pivotal role in our advocacy efforts, and we commend each and every one of you for a job well done! The following FACCC-supported bills have also passed their assigned committees this week and will now move on for further deliberation. |
AB 274 (Bryan) – Expanding Eligibility for CalFreshAB 789 (Berman) – Student Financial Aid: Cal Grants: Satisfactory Academic ProgressAB 1524 (Lowenthal) – Postsecondary Education: On-campus Access to Drug Testing DevicesAB 1543 (Fong) – Community Colleges: Student Representation FeesSB 11 (Menjivar) – CSU: Mental Health Services: Contracting Out |
SB 234 (Portantino) – Opioid AntagonistsAB 1540 (Fong) – Public Postsecondary Education: Nonresident Tuition: ExemptionAB 800 (Ortega) – Workplace Readiness WeekAB 247 (Muratsuchi) – Transitional Kindergarten Through Community College Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2024AB 1248 (Bryan) – Local Redistricting: Independent Redistricting Commissions |
Mildred García Appointed as Chancellor of California State University Mildred García, an experienced leader in higher education, has been named the new chancellor of the California State University (CSU) system. As the current president of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities, García will be the 11th chancellor and the first Latina to lead the 23-campus system. Her notable accomplishments include improving graduation rates and narrowing achievement gaps for Latino students at Cal State Fullerton. García’s background, growing up in a diverse neighborhood and valuing education as a pathway to success, informs her commitment to providing opportunities for students. Taking office on October 1, García will receive a salary of $795,000, along with additional benefits. Wenda Fong, chair of the CSU Board of Trustees, praised García’s dedication to diverse students and alignment with the system’s core values. García’s extensive educational background and previous achievements in advancing higher education and improving outcomes for marginalized students have garnered recognition from education organizations. Her appointment brings hope for addressing challenges, promoting equity, and creating an inclusive and successful educational environment within the CSU system. |
Mendocino College Receives $1.5 Million Grant for Native American Student Success & Support Program Mendocino College, known for having the highest enrollment of Native American students in California’s community college system, recently secured a $1.5 million grant from the California College Community System. This grant aims to establish a Native American Student Success & Support Program over the course of five years. A press release highlighted that Mendocino College, which caters to students from Mendocino and Lake counties, will utilize the grant to hire dedicated staff members who will work closely with Native American students. The college also plans to expand its collaboration with tribal nations, fostering stronger connections and engagement. Presently, just less than six percent of the college’s total student population of 6,800 identifies as Native American. Through the newly established program, Mendocino College seeks to enhance its ongoing efforts in supporting Native communities. FACCC was an early champion for the creation of the Native American Student Success & Support Program and is proud to see its funding being utilized at our colleges. |
Register For Our Upcoming Events |
Santa Monica College Faculty Association Benefits and Retirement Conference Santa Monica College Friday, October 20 | 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM Santa Monica College Faculty Association and the Faculty Association of CaliforniaCommunity Colleges Education Institute are pleased to invite you to join us for the Benefits and Retirement Conference. Workshops on retirement planning, investment strategies, and basic financial planning will be available. Register today. |
2024 Advocacy & Policy ConferenceSunday – Monday, February 25 – 26Sheraton Grand Sacramento Hotel All faculty members, union and academic senate leaders, student leaders and those who work in categorically funded programs are encouraged to attend. This is your opportunity to network with colleagues across the state, participate in professional development sessions, and hear from top decision-makers on policy and budget. Early bird rates available until December 1. Register today. |
Resources Below you’ll find a list of resources from federal, state, and local agencies we hope you’ll find helpful.Online Instruction and Services Resources – The California Virtual Campus-Online Education Initiative has developed an Emergency Preparedness Resources web site for assistance converting in-person classes to online.Employment Development Department (EDD) Services – EDD provides a variety of support services to individuals affected by COVID-19 in California. This includes disability insurance, unemployment insurance, and paid family leave.Department of Labor – The Department of Labor posted a questions and answers page for the most pressing questions around the Families First Coronavirus Response Act.CalSTRS – Concerned about your pension? Check out the CalSTRS website for the latest information on your retirement. |