Madam Chair and Trustee Stefan, Trustee Gonzalez, Trustee Kinnamon, Trustee Perez, Trustee Oden, and Student Trustee )
CODAA and the adjunct community we represent are pleased to welcome Interim President Laura Hope. CODAA looks forward to the opportunity to get to know Interim President Hope and to continue the COD tradition of monthly meetings between CODAA leadership and the President. We would also like to invite Dr. Hope to introduce herself to our constituency at our Adjunct Flex Day on August 19th (formal invitation to follow).
Plans for Adjunct Flex are moving forward for a full day of ZOOM presentations and activities geared toward empowering to fully engage in the lige of the college and the Desert communities it serves.
We understand that VP Galindo will sunshine the District’s one non-compensation re-opener as Article IX: Hours of Service and carry forward CODAA’s one re-opener, ARTICLE XIV: REEMPLOYMENT PROCESS. The intention of both is to clarify areas in the contract language that have been the subject of confusion. As a step toward parity, this is a step toward equity. The CODAA bargaining team looks forward to early dates to start this process.