Desert Community College District
Board of Trustees Meeting
CODAA Report
Mister Chair, Madam Superintendent/President, Members of the Board and College Community,
CODAA is pleased to report that Adjunct Flex, August 18, was well attended with over 90 participants in each session, covering a full 7 hours. Adjunct enthusiasm is high,
Since we last reported:
Gary Graves, Adjunct in Digital Design, has completely revamped the CODAA website. He and Dan Cooper CODAA Treasurer (Hospitality) received a generous grant from CTA to complete this masterwork Please visit
Seniorina Saldavar, Adjunct Counselor and CODAA Membership Chair has completed her doctorate in Organizational Leadership at the University of Mass Global
Steve Acree, Adjunct in English, had a Parker Palmer seminar accepted by the Faculty Development Committee for presentation as part of his role as CODAA Diversity Chair. Steve will transit to Full Time Temporary this Fall as he will be teaching 80% load this semester.
Catherine Levitt, Ph.D., CODAA President and Adjunct in Economics, had 2 articles accepted for publication in scholarly journals.
Coming up, CODAA will join CODFA and CSEA to sponsor the Board of Trustee Candidate Forums.
CODAA has continuing concerns about the lack of parity in both pay and respect. Adjuncts want equal pay for equal work but are not getting it. Nor are they getting the respect that comes with the acknowledgment of the value of their contribution and flexibility. The state requires the school to define parity and achieve parity for Adjunct faculty. If the school continues to give the Full-time faculty COLA + without the equivalent and a parity increase for the Adjunct Faculty, the inequity gap becomes even more significant. How can this school talk about equity when it isn’t equitable to 68% of its teaching staff?
Submitted respectfully,
Dr. Catherine Levitt, President of CODAA